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Another successful roll-out for a global manufacturer

Engage Group has successfully completed the roll-out of a pilot project for a European manufacturing unit, at a renowned global manufacturer whose headquarters are in Sweden. This signifies the start of a broader roll-out initiative spanning Southeast Asia and North America, covering multiple business units.

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Webinar – Accelerate your Dynamics 365 roll-out

Many companies struggle with slow rollouts and unnecessarily extended project timelines. Don’t make the same mistakes! In our webinar, we will explore proven strategies for ramping up your project pace and significantly reducing project durations. Learn from our experiences of successful rollout projects and gain valuable insights for your implementation!

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Dynamics 365 CE – Solution Specialist

In this role, you’ll focus on the entire customer journey, from identifying their needs and requirements, to mapping out the roadmap in close collaboration with them, designing and implementing the solution, and supporting them through go-live, roll-outs, and user adoption.

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The MVP Global Summit 2024 – Key takeaways

About two years ago, I got that amazing email in my mailbox that started with “We’re pleased to present you with the Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) award,” which at the time (and still) was a bit surreal. I have now had the title for two years…

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Dynamics 365 – Better together part 2

In our previous article we talked about the benefits your business gets when adopting one single vendor’s suite of applications, such as Microsoft Dynamics 365. We also covered which Dynamics 365 apps typically bundle together and why. In this article, we further dive into examples of how the Dynamics 365 apps work together to support different E2E processes.

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Dynamics 365 – Better together part 1

In previous articles we talked about Dynamics 365 Commerce technology modernization and how one could gradually expand the Dynamics 365 Commerce footprint using headless commerce capabilities. In this article, we will elaborate on the business value of adopting a “best-of-suite” approach to scale the Commerce operations more efficiently.

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Why Microservices in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations

Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations is Microsoft’s latest iteration of their flagship ERP system, which used to be called Dynamics AX (before that, Axapta). The idea here is to build a modern ERP system that is easier to support and maintain to make the ALM story more attractive to customers.

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What can you expect from this new Microsoft Update?

With the continuous release of innovation across the Dynamics 365 ecosystem, the interest by enterprise customers requiring extensive globalization support has increased, adding a new level of complexity to the typical implementation project. Microsoft recently announced the launch of the Dynamics 365 Implementation Portal to guide to help ensure successful cloud deployments.

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Dynamics 365 Commerce technology modernization

The in-store experience is fundamentally changing as a consequence of new customer demands. Microsoft is therefore performing technology modernization across the Dynamics 365 Commerce workload such as releasing a new Store Commerce Application that will significantly improve the IT Operations- and End-User experience.

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One Dynamics One Platform

Convergence across Dynamics 365 apps has been a hot topic for years but with the recent TechTalk series: One Dynamics One Platform, the pieces are suddenly coming together providing a clear picture on how Microsoft anticipate the journey and what are the key investment areas. And more importantly, why is it of importance to customers adopting Dynamics 365?

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